Friday 19 July 2024


What is orthodontic treatment?

Orthodontic treatment involves a series of interventions aimed at rectifying the alignment of teeth and the jaw structure. This process utilizes specialized devices, including wires and brackets, to gradually shift and align teeth properly.

Types of braces

  • Improves oral health
  • Improves bite
  • Clears speech
  • Reduces TMJ disorders
  • Boosts confidence
  • Enhances digestive health
  • Ensures easier cleaning
  • Prevents bone erosion

To book an appointment with us

Call us at: +912240147049/09321330133
iDent, Idyll Dental Clinic

Friday 5 July 2024


    Tooth sensitivity is the pain you feel when you eat or drink hot or cold food and drinks.


    Sensitivity can happen when 

    • Gums pull away from the teeth
    • Gum tissue is lost, occurring as a result of brushing too hard or not brushing and flossing regularly
    • Tooth’s hard surface layer, called enamel gets worn away leading to exposed dentin

    When gum loss occurs, the part of the tooth below the gum line is exposed called as tooth root. There are tiny tunnels that contain fluid and lead from the tooth root to the tooth’s nerve center called as pulp. When hot or cold touches these tunnels, the tooth fluid can excite the nerve, causing pain in your tooth.

    Ways to prevent sensitivity:

    • Brush (soft toothbrush) and floss your teeth twice a day to prevent gum loss
    • Get professional cleaning done to avoid deposition of plaque and calculus
    • Professional check-up for your sensitivity can help to diagnose and resolve the root cause of the problem


    To book an appointment with us

    Call us at: +912240147049/09321330133
    iDent, Idyll Dental Clinic


    Saturday 29 June 2024


    Halitosis is the medical term for persistent bad breath that is noticeable and

     unpleasant to others



    • Poor Oral Hygiene - Bacteria build-up on teeth and tongue
    • Dry Mouth - Reduced saliva flow can lead to odorous breath
    • Diet - Foods like garlic and onions contribute to bad breath
    • Certain medications
    • Mouth, nose and throat infection

    Ways to reduce bad breath

    • Clean teeth and tongue twice daily
    • Drink enough water to maintain flow of saliva
    • Treatment of Gum diseases, if any
    • Treatment of underlying medical conditions, if any
    • Regular dental check-ups
    • Regular professional cleaning and polishing

    To book an appointment with us
    Call us at: +912240147049/09321330133
    iDent, Idyll Dental Clinic


    Friday 21 June 2024


     Also called as gum disease, refers to inflammation and infection of the tissues (Gums) that support the teeth.

    it is caused by poor brushing and flossing habits that allow plaque to build up on the teeth and harden forming calculus.



    • Reddish gums
    • BleedingSoreness
    • Bad breath
    • Unpleasant taste
    • Pain when chewing
    • Gum recession (gums that pull away from your teeth)
    • Loose teeth 

    Ways to prevent gum disease

    • Brush for at least 2 minutes, twice a day, with fluoride toothpaste, paying special attention to your back teeth 
    • Use a soft bristles toothbrush with gentle strokes so you don’t wear away your gums or teeth
    • Change your toothbrush every 3 months
    • Don’t stop flossing if your gums bleed. Flossing can improve the health of your gums and help them stop bleeding

    To book an appointment with us
    Call us at: +912240147049/09321330133
    iDent, Idyll Dental Clinic

    Friday 14 June 2024



    What is fluoride?

    It is a naturally occurring mineral in water, soil, and various foods. It is known for its ability to strengthen teeth and prevent cavities.

    How does fluoride help?

    •           Prevents tooth decay by strengthening tooth enamel and making it resistant to acid attacks from bacteria in plaque
    •           Reverses early decay by remineralizing areas affected by early decay

    At iDent Idyll Dental clinic, we are committed to providing comprehensive dental care, including fluoride treatments tailored to your needs.

    Ready to protect your smile with fluoride?

    To book an appointment with us
    Call us at: +912240147049/09321330133
    iDent, Idyll Dental Clinic

    Monday 10 June 2024


    • Permanently damaged area in a tooth that develop into holes
    • Begins when bacteria in your mouth make acids that attack the tooth's surface
    • If left untreated the cavities in your teeth can get bigger causing pain, gum disease or dental abscesses

    Most common signs of tooth decay

    • Toothaches either continuous or occasional sharp pain
    • Sensitivity to hot or cold
    • Grey, brown or black spots
    • Visible pit or hole in the tooth
    • Bad breath

    Monday 3 June 2024

                 ROOT CANAL TREATMENT

      Infected tooth with                               Files are used to                        Canals are washed 

      abscess in the root                             clean out the infection                       and dried

          Canals filled with                    Opening sealed with                Crown cemented onto

              gutta percha                       filling. In some cases                       rebuild tooth

                                                          a post is inserted to 

                                                          support the crown