Wednesday 31 May 2023

World no tobacco day!


How Smoking Affects Your Teeth and Oral Cavity

The number of ways that smoking can affect your oral health is not a small list. It's a solemn one. If you're a smoker, parts of this list are obvious — but most are alarming.

·                    Stained Teeth, Bad Breath, Loss of Smell and Taste.

·         Weakened Immune System.

·         Gum and Periodontal Disease.

·         Tooth Decay and Loss

·         Mouth Sores and Ulcers

·         Oral Cancer

 What Steps Can You Take To Quit Smoking

Smoking Counseling and Your Dentist

Dentists play an important role in tobacco cessation and can increase your rate of successfully quitting. They will analyze your oral health and treat you for the present problem. They can make a plan for you to quit tobacco.

1.       Get Ready: Set your date to quit.

2.       Lean On Your Support System: Utilize your friends, family, and health professionals to help you along.

3.       Create Distractions: When urges to smoke arise, shift your focus to something else (exercise, hobby, etc.).

4.       Medicate As Necessary: Speak with your doctor about the benefits of using prescription or over-the-counter medications.

How can my dentist help me?

A visit to the dentist is an important first step. You need to disclose your full medical history With the help from your dentist, you can start your journey to quit. It’s never too late to get a healthy and strong teeth


They will recommend a treatment for you. After this a suitable treatment will be discussed with you and you can start the advised treatment. Along with this, your dentist will assist you in tobacco cessation.


Monday 22 May 2023

Did you know...?

Everyone’s tongue print is completely different, much like fingerprints.

Visit us at:

iDent, Idyll Dental Clinic

To book an appointment with us:

Call us at: +912240147049/09321330133



Tuesday 16 May 2023

Diabetes & Dental Health

1 in 11 Indians are formally diagnosed with diabetes, which makes India the second most affected in the world, after China

Here’s what you need to know about protecting your teeth and gums, and how taking extra-good care of your dental health can boost your overall health too.

How diabetes affects your mouth

·         You may have less saliva, causing your mouth to feel dry. Because saliva helps cleanse away cavity-causing bacteria, you may experience more tooth decay.

·         People with diabetes often find their gums are irritated and sensitive. You may notice that your gums bleed when you brush or floss. 

·         Diabetes can also make it harder for you to taste your food, and increase the chances that small cuts or sores inside your mouth will become infected.

How diabetes leads to gum disease

Diabetes make it easy to harbour unfavourable bacterias in the mouth. This often leads to periodontal disease, an ongoing condition that can harm your gums, nearby tissues and even your facial bones.

At the chronic periodontal disease stage, a person can experience loss of tissue and bone that support the teeth. As a result, teeth become loose and begin moving freely. Periodontal disease can lead to issues such as pain when chewing, bad breath, and most seriously, tooth loss. Periodontal disease may also make it hard to control your blood glucose.

How can your dentist help?

If you have diabetes, regular dental visits are a must. Research suggests that treating gum disease can help improve blood sugar control, slowing down the progression of your disease.

Having deep cleanings in your dentist’s office can actually help reduce your HbA1c levels (the lab result that shows your average level of blood sugar over the previous three months). Ask your dentist how often you should come in for cleanings and checkups and make all dental appointments a top priority.

To know more, visit us. 

iDent, Idyll Dental Clinic

To book an appointment with us:

Call us at: +912240147049/09321330133



Wednesday 10 May 2023

Bet you didn't know..

Sharks have big scary-looking teeth, but did you know that those teeth are always falling out? It’s true! Shark teeth don’t have roots to hold them in place in the shark’s mouth. So they fall out quite often when the shark is eating. In fact, sometimes sharks lose a tooth every week. But those teeth grow back again pretty quickly. Over the course of its life, one single shark may grow as many as 20,000 teeth!