Tuesday 30 August 2016

Canker Sores: What Are They?

If you have ever experienced a canker – or chancre – sore in your mouth, you know that they can be bothersome at the very least, and often quite painful. They seem to pop up out of the blue and immediately outstay their welcome. So, what are they exactly, and is there anything you can do to get rid of them? 
Canker sore is the informal term used in North America for the medical condition referred to as Aphthous Stomatitis. Canker sores are generally small ulcers found only inside the mouth, usually along the cheeks, tongue, or lips. They can make it very uncomfortable to talk, eat, or drink and can be very painful when acidic foods come into contact with them. The flesh of the sore itself is usually white and very tender with red aggravated skin surrounding it, but they are not contagious.
 Who do canker sores affect?
Women are twice as likely to get canker sores than men and usually occur between the ages of 10 and 20, although they can appear earlier in life. That being said, anyone can be affected by canker sores at any age. There have been cases of canker sores reported as early as two years old.
 What causes canker sores?
Unfortunately, the true cause of canker sores is unknown. However, it has been proven that eating an excess of highly citrus fruits, such as lemons, oranges, pineapples, tomatoes, and strawberries, can trigger canker sores in many people.
Consuming a lot of sugary foods, such as candies, can also cause sores to pop up. Damage or irritation from dental appliances, accidental biting of the tongue or cheek, or ill-fitting dentures can also be a trigger for canker sores. There has also been evidence that suggests a diet lacking in vitamin B-12 can cause canker sores. This vitamin can be found in foods such as eggs, dairy products, and seafood.
 What is the difference between a canker sore and a cold sore?
Canker sores occur exclusively inside the mouth and do not have any known cause. Cold sores, on the other hand, are caused by a viral infection and are highly contagious. Unlike canker sores, cold sores occur outside of the mouth and are filled with fluid, resembling blisters, and generally scab over before healing.
 Are canker sores dangerous?
Generally, no, canker sores are not dangerous. They can be extremely uncomfortable, even very painful, but they usually disappear on their own after a week or two. However, canker sores should not occur more than four or five times in a year – so if you experience an excessive amount, it could point to a larger health issue. Consult your doctor if you believe this sounds like your experience.
 How do you treat a canker sore?
Most of the time canker sores are best treated by leaving them alone until they disappear in a week or so. Canker sores can also be laser treated  which provides immediate relief and quicker healing time. If bothered by canker sores regularly, use a canker sore combating mouthwash.
Avoiding trigger foods, such as highly citrus fruits and extremely sugary treats, is essential when letting your canker sore heal as exposing it to these foods can further aggravate it. Being careful when using dental appliances such as retainers, dentures, and braces, is important to ensure further damage isn’t done to the affected area.
Be sure to thoroughly brush your teeth after meals to ensure that food particles or bacteria doesn’t get attached to the sore and possibly cause an infection. If your canker sore does not improve on it’s own after two weeks, consult  for further diagnosis.
 Can canker sores be prevented?
Because the exact causes of canker sores are not known, it is difficult to prevent them aside from avoiding foods and physical irritations that might trigger a canker sore. Ensuring that you don’t have an allergy that could trigger canker sores and including enough vitamin B-12 in your diet are great steps to take in preventing future a breakout.
Always be sure to clean your mouth properly at least twice each day and visit your dentist regularly for checkups and oral health monitoring.
To book an appointment with us
Call us at: +912240147049
iDent, Idyll Dental Clinic
Email: smileident@gmail.com
Website: www.smileident.com

Friday 19 August 2016

Foods that are good for teeth!


Foods like Apples and carrots due to their crunchy nature with natural sugars thus help in removing plaque from the teeth keeping them healthy. Chicken is a high protein food which doesn't stick easily to natural teeth and is very low on sugar. Milk strengthens teeth by providing important nutrients like calcium and phosphorous where as pear contains enormous amounts of acid neutralizing and bacteria fighting juices which help maintain your pearly whites!!

Monday 8 August 2016

Crown Sensitivity…How Long Should It Last?
New crown sensitivity can vary from person-to-person, so this can be a difficult question to answer unless you go to the source that knows best—the dentist who placed your crown. And prior to going to your appointment, it is helpful if you have identified as many of the facts and/or triggers for any symptoms you have. For example, are your teeth sensitive to hot, cold, sweet, touch, pressure, or biting? It may be as simple as adjusting a minor high spot when you bite. Other questions to discuss with the dentist include the following. What was the extent of decay in the tooth prior to the crown? How close to the pulp (that contains the nerve) was the decay? Some sensitivity is normal after a crown as the tooth settles down; however, increasing sensitivity or pain after a week or more warrants a follow up visit to the dentist.
To book an appointment with us
Call us at: +912240147049
iDent, Idyll Dental Clinic
Email: smileident@gmail.com
Website: www.smileident.com

Monday 1 August 2016

You Might Be More Prone to Cavities
You brush and floss daily and don't snack on sugary treats, yet you've had your fair share of cavities. Your friend, on the other hand, is lax with the dental hygiene and lives on energy drinks and junk food, yet rarely has a cavity. Ever wondered why?
Cavities, which result from a disease process called dental caries, are areas of decay caused by certain oral bacteria. As the decay progresses, the bacteria can eventually invade the living portion of the tooth (dentin and pulp) and is considered a bacterial infection. At that point professional dental treatment is required to remove the infection, stop the disease process and seal the tooth.
This disease process requires certain combinations of conditions in order to progress. So it's likely that you have more of those conditions, or risk factors, than your friend does. Don't beat yourself up; while there are lots of things you can do to minimize risks, there are also factors that aren't so easily controlled.

Tooth Decay Risk Factors

Let's take a look at those risk factors:
  • Oral Bacteria — Cavities start with bacteria that build up on tooth surfaces in a sticky film called plaque where they feed on sugars and carbohydrates from the foods/beverages we consume, creating acids in the process. Acids dissolve the mineral bonds in the protective layer of tooth enamel, which makes it easier for bacteria to penetrate what is otherwise the hardest substance in the human body and infect the tooth. Your unique oral "microbiome" make-up could have more or less of the microbe species implicated in dental caries, and some strains of the same bugs are more aggressive than others.
  • Dental hygiene — Brushing and flossing correctly and regularly helps dislodge bacterial plaque and trapped food particles. Regular checkups and professional cleanings are also important to remove plaque that has hardened into "tartar."
  • Diet — Minimizing your intake of sugary foods and carbohydrates reduces the availability of fuel for cavity-causing bacteria. Meanwhile, acidic foods and beverages can erode enamel, and the more frequently they are consumed, the less opportunity saliva has to restore the mouth to its normal pH.
  • Dry mouth — Saliva contains minerals that help neutralize acids and rebuild tooth enamel. Without a healthy flow, your ability to prevent decay is compromised. Certain medications, chemotherapy and some diseases can cause Dry Mouth. Drinking lots of water and using enamel-fortifying mouth rinses can help counter the effects.
  • Tooth shape — Tooth decay is most likely to develop in back teeth — molars and bicuspids (premolars) — where the tiny fissures on their biting surface tend to trap food and bacteria. Genetics determines how deep your fissures are.
  • Gum recession — Receding gums expose the tooth root, which isn't protected by enamel and therefore more susceptible to decay.
  • Other factors — Gastro-esophageal reflux disease (GERD) and vomiting can create highly acidic conditions in the mouth. Retainers, orthodontic appliances and bite or night guards tend to restrict saliva flow over teeth, promoting plaque formation; fixed appliances like braces can make it more difficult to brush and floss effectively.

For Further Details Book an appointment with us.
Contact Us At: +91 2240147049
iDent, Idyll Dental Clinic
Email: smileident@gmail.com
Website: www.smileident.com