Sunday 14 October 2012

Whitening :) Take a look and smile..

                                  Before Whitening ..


                                       After Whitening :)


Monday 8 October 2012


    How to tell if you suffer from Bruxism/teeth grinding?

You wake up one morning and notice that your jaw just hurts or is sore. When you try to open your mouth wide the muscles ache and the teeth are painful as if you have been chewing gum all night. You make so much noise that someone who is monitoring your sleep can actually hear your teeth gnashing against each other. 

Yes, then you definitely have Bruxism.

The exact cause of bruxism is unknown but there are various factors associated with it, such as:
- Stress
- Anxiety
- Misalignment of the upper and lower teeth
- Side effect of certain medications
- Dreams

Bruxism may result in:

                                                                            It should be useful for you to know that teeth grinding can start at an early age as well as anytime during your adult age.

Once you have created a habit of teeth grinding and bruxism becomes a nightly occurrence for extended periods of time, serious health problems can start to show in the form of for example Temporomandibular Joint Disorder (TMJ) where your whole body could be affected.Therefore, it is crucial to find out if you have bruxism as soon as possible so you can take the necessary steps to overcome it before things get worse.
The most common, effective and reversible treatment option is wearing a
night guard/splint.

Your dentist is the best person to help you treat bruxism symptoms. In some cases, he or she may also refer you to a sleep doctor who can diagnose any related sleep problems.

Tuesday 2 October 2012

Orange peels for Tooth Whitening..

The white inside portion of an orange peel, called the albedo, contains a number of compounds including vitamin C, limonene, glucarate, pectin and soluble fiber. Limonene, also called d-Limonene, is a natural solvent cleaner that is extracted from the orange peel and used commercially in a wide variety of cleaning products. Unlike the fruit itself, orange peels do not contain citric acid, which can erode tooth enamel over time.

Using Orange Peels:

The process of tooth whitening with an orange peel is simple. Wash the orange to remove any dirt. Peel the orange and rub the albedo over your teeth. Rinse your mouth with water or brush your teeth. Repeat as desired with a fresh piece of orange peel. Discard the orange peel after use. Orange peels that are commercially grown may contain pesticides and herbicides; nutritional scientists recommend you choose organically grown oranges.

Using Powder Form :

Grind dry orange peels and bay leaves into a powder. Mix this powder with some water and make a toothpaste mixture with which you will brush onto your teeth. This can also help you stave off other dental problems such as gum disease and cavities.