Monday 5 November 2018

May the passion and splendor, that are a part of this auspicious holy festival, fill your entire life with prosperity, Happiness and a much brighter future, and bring to you joy and love  For the whole upcoming year. Warm wishes on this festival of light to you and your family.

iDent, Idyll Dental Clinic
7th to 9th Nov 2018 clinic would be shut for Diwali.

To book an appointment with us:
Call us at: +912240147049/09321330133

Thursday 1 November 2018

May the passion and splendor, that are a part of this auspicious holy festival, fill your entire life with prosperity, Happiness and a much brighter future, and bring to you joy and love  For the whole upcoming year. Warm wishes on this festival of light to you and your family.

iDent, Idyll Dental Clinic
7th to 9th Nov 2018 clinic would be shut for Diwali.

To book an appointment with us:
Call us at: +912240147049/09321330133

Thursday 25 October 2018

With gleam of diyas and the echos of the chants share the happiness and contentment of this joyous festivity with a brighter and healthier SMILE!

Asking You To Welcome This Diwali Not Just With Lights And Fireworks But Also A Happy Smile Because It Is A Key That Fits The Lock Of Everybody's Heart And Also The Prettiest Thing That You Can Wear.

iDent, Idyll Dental Clinic
To book an appointment with us:
Call us at: +912240147049/09321330133

Wednesday 10 October 2018

Best Practices for Dealing With Fear When You are Scared of the Dentist   

Why Are Some People Scared of the Dentist?

While there are a variety of reasons why someone may be afraid of the dentist, you’ll usually find four common causes for the anxiety.
  • Past Experience: Most patients develop a fear of the dentist because of a bad experience they had in the past. If patients have a previous treatment that had complications or was painful, they might begin to worry that all visits will be like that, and they’ll decide not to go to the dentist again.
  • Pain: No one wants to experience physical pain. Some patients might worry that a trip to the dentist, with all the unusual and sharp tools, might result in pain.
  • Embarrassment: Some patients might feel embarrassed if their teeth or gums aren’t in good shape. Patients avoid going to the dentist because they’re worried they have bad teeth and cavities, yet not getting the cleanings they need could result in actual cavities that harm their teeth
  • Lack of Control: Other patients develop dental anxieties because of the lack of control they feel when they’re reclined in the dentist’s chair. Having a dentist examining their mouth could just amply this fear.

Be Honest About Your Dental Phobia

The first step in dealing with your fear of the dentist is being honest with yourself and your dentist about these worries. Dentists understand that these fears are real, and they won’t dismiss your fears or judge you. Instead, they’ll work with you to come up with a plan that will help you feel more relaxed during your appointment. Luckily, you have several options you can try.

Sedation Dentistry

One practice for dealing with your fear that you can review with your dentist is sedation dentistry. Some dentists can administer sedatives in their office to help keep you calm and relaxed during your visit. Sedatives can include a local anesthetic, oral or intravenous sedation, or nitrous oxide (better known as laughing gas). Not all dentists are qualified to administer every sedative, so you’ll want to speak with your dentist to determine which one might work best for you.

Bring a Distraction

Distractions are often a good way to help divert your attention away from the procedure. Some dentists have televisions in the treatment room so patients can watch something as a distraction. If your dentist doesn’t have this, you still have a variety of options available. Consider bringing headphones and a music player so you can listen to music. Even better, make it a new album so you’ll be concentrating more on the new songs that you haven’t heard before. You can also use a stress ball or run through mental exercises, like counting by three or going over state capitals.

Have Someone Come With You

Having a close friend or family member who doesn’t have any fear about seeing the dentist can often provide some extra comfort and support to help you through your appointments. If possible, see if your friend or family member can keep you company during the procedure. Oftentimes, simply having someone there who understands your feelings can give you all the reassurance you need. Also, try to get one of the first appointments of the day. That way, you won’t spend the entire day worrying about your trip to the dentist.

Try Self-Regulation Techniques

Self-regulation techniques can help you stay calm during dental treatments. One popular relaxation technique to try is deep breathing. Take a deep breath in, hold it for a few seconds, and then let it out very slowly to relax your muscles and slow your heartbeat. Meditation can also slow your heartbeat. Consider practicing a few weeks before your appointment so you can use this technique to calm your nerves when you’re in the dentist chair.

Look for Therapeutic Support

If your fear is so intense that none of the previous techniques work, you can also turn to therapeutic support. Hypnotherapy has worked for some patients. Additionally, you can sign up for counselling sessions with psychologists who specialize in addressing phobias.
Having a fear of the dentist shouldn’t prevent you from getting the care you need. Instead, try these best practices so you can deal with your dental anxiety

iDent, Idyll Dental Clinic
To book an appointment with us:
Call us at: +912240147049/09321330133

Wednesday 12 September 2018

May Lord Ganesha Give You A Rainbow For Every Storm,A Smile For Every Tear,A Promise For Every CareAnd An Answer To Every Prayer.An Auspicious Ganesh Chaturthi To Everyone...

IDyll Dental Clinic

Thursday 19 July 2018

Seems like you can’t go anywhere these days without seeing someone with a pierced lip, pierced cheek, pierced tongue or something far more extreme! Oral piercing seems to be growing in popularity as a form of self-expression and while we’re all for self-expression, as a group of dental professionals, we really don’t like the idea of oral piercing. Why? Because it’s our job to be concerned about your oral health and oral piercing just isn’t good for it. 

Types of Oral Piercings

Tongue and tongue area. Tongue piercings vary from single or multiple posts vertically (venom or angel bites), single post horizontally (snake-eyes), or under the tongue/web (frenulum). A single hole through the center of your tongue is considered the safest, and multiple jewelry options allow for a variety of unique looks.

Lips and lip area. Lip piercings can be anywhere near, around, or through the lips. It can also include vampire, smile, or frown piercings which are placed between the gums and lip on the inside of the mouth.
Other oral piercings. Piercing your cheeks, gums and even uvula (the dangling flesh at the back of your throat) all carry risks to your oral health. The skill of the technician, the location of the piercing, and the aftercare will all vary and create different results and healing periods.

General Oral Piercing Risks

Immediately following the initial piercing you can expect (tenderness, swelling)…and typically they will heal within 10 weeks. But there can be additional oral piercing risks including:
  • Infection
  • Migration or Rejection of Jewelry
  • Metal Allergies
  • Scars
  • Abscess
  • Damage to teeth

Why Your Dentist Doesn’t Like Your Oral Piercing

oral piercing risksMost oral piercings will result in swelling, redness, tenderness, bleeding and scabbing. Cleaning the area can be more difficult and/or painful, which may cause a decrease in oral health care which could result in infection. Chipped or damaged teeth can happen as a result of poorly placed piercings, or ones that migrate to a new site. In extreme cases, the damage can be so extensive that the tooth has to be extracted and replaced.
Other oral piercing risks include increased chance of trauma, such as yanking or tearing, in the cases of an accident or injury. Overall, oral piercing creates additional risk to your oral health. However, if you choose to get an oral piercing, here are some tips for taking care of it:
  • Get a new, soft bristle toothbrush and brush twice a day to reduce bacteria in your mouth.
  • Stop the use of any tobacco products if you use them as they can irritate swollen tissues.
  • Avoid foods and drinks that can irritate your piercing, including spicy or salty foods, gum and alcohol (including mouthwash).
  • Wash your hands before and after touching, cleaning or replacing oral jewelry to reduce the chance of infection.
  • Use a saline soak to help your piercing heal, but don’t over do it. Twice a day is sufficient.
  • Avoid swimming pools or hot tubs until all external piercings are healed so bacteria doesn’t enter your blood stream.
  • Use anti-inflammatory over-the-counter remedies to help with both swelling and pain.
If you are considering getting a piercing that could affect your mouth, teeth or gums, talk to the dentist first to learn about oral piercing risks and how you can reduce them. 

iDent, Idyll Dental Clinic
To book an appointment with us:
Call us at: +912240147049/09321330133

Monday 2 April 2018

Dentistry isint Expensive , Neglect is!

 So visit your dentist twice a year atleast before the problems start...

iDent, Idyll Dental Clinic
To book an appointment with us:
Call us at: +912240147049/09321330133

Wednesday 21 March 2018

Eight top tips for terrific teeth

1. Visit the dentist regularly, as often as they recommend

It doesn't matter how old you are, or how many teeth you have, you should always follow your dentist's advice about how often they need to see you. 

So why are check-ups so important? Well, for starters prevention is always better than cure. Regular visits to the dentist can identify problems developing early, and more importantly set you on a path to rectify them. 

There's a chance everyone will suffer from gum disease at some point in their lives - it's that common - so do remember to get to your dentist as often as they recommend.

2. Take diet into consideration

Diet may have a large impact on the growing obesity problem in , but there's no escaping the damage a poor diet does to our teeth.
One of the key messages is ‘cut down how often you have sugary foods and drinks'. This is a particularly important message for parents to remember. The more often your child has sugary or acidic foods or drinks, the more likely they are to have decay. It is therefore important to keep sugary and acidic foods to mealtimes only. Food and drinks which are kindest to teeth include cheese, crackers, breadsticks, raw vegetables, plain water and milk.

It is also worth remembering that some processed baby foods contain quite a lot of sugar. Try checking the list of ingredients - the higher up the list sugar is, the more there is in the product. Sometimes, these are shown as fructose, glucose, lactose, or sucrose.

3. Brush your teeth for two minutes twice a day using a fluoride toothpaste

It's important to brush your teeth first thing in the morning and just before you go to bed for two minutes using a fluoride toothpaste. Why? During the night the flow of saliva, which is the mouth's cleaning system, slows down. This leaves the mouth more at risk to decay; therefore brushing acts as a preventive measure.

Fluoride is an incredibly important addition to the toothpaste we use. It's also found in drinking water across the country. There are different levels depending on how old you are. All children up to three years old should use a toothpaste with a fluoride level of at least 1000ppm (parts per million). After three years old, the Foundation recommends you use a toothpaste that contains 1350ppm-1500ppm. If you're unsure how much fluoride is on a particular brand, check the packaging for the Foundation's approved symbol for reassurance.

4. Indulge in interdental cleaning

As brushing alone only cleans around two thirds of the mouth, it is important to use interdental brushes or floss to clean away any food debris caught between the teeth. It can help to reduce the risk of gum disease. Given that gum disease has been linked to heart problems, pneumonia and even pancreatic cancer to name but a few, interdental cleaning at least once a day isn't too much to ask!

5. Get empowered with a power toothbrush

Rigorous tests have proven electric toothbrushes with small round oscillating rotating heads to be up to twice as effective at removing plaque than a manual brush. Many also have two minute timers to ensure you clean for the recommended period of time. Some such as the Oral B Triumph with Smart Guide also have a remote display to help your brush for the correct time and sensors to show you when you are brushing too hard. Look for the accredited logo which shows that the claims the product is making have been scientifically proven.

6. Remember the one hour rule

It takes an average of 40 minutes for the mouth to neutralise the acid caused by eating or drinking sugar. Therefore it is best to wait at least one hour after eating before brushing teeth. Eating or drinking weakens the enamel on the teeth, meaning if you brush too soon it cause tiny particles of the enamel to be brushed away. You can help to speed up the time that is takes for the saliva to neutralise these plaque acids and lessen the damage that they can cause by chewing sugar-free gum containing Xylitol, rinsing with a fluoride mouthrinse or plain water.

7. Teeth are not tools!

Although you can't legislate for genuine accidents, please remember your teeth aren't tools. If your party trick is to open a bottle of beer with your teeth, or if you're always biting open the crisp packet, you're actually doing your teeth more harm than good.

If you somehow lose a tooth, the important thing to remember is not to panic. Get to the  dentist as soon as possible, as with the right care, the tooth could be successfully put back into the socket. Ideally you should try and put it back in straight away, without handling the root.
The best chance of having your tooth successfully put back in is to keep the tooth in the cheek. If this isn't possible, keep it in some milk until you receive the necessary emergency dental work. The sooner you can do this the better.

8. Think about appearance

If you have a great oral hygiene routine, or even if you don't, there's no reason why you can't think about some cosmetic treatment to help brighten or restore your smile. People who smoke, drink red wine and lots of coffee may find over time their teeth become stained. There are toothpastes available that can remove these stains, but they won't alter the natural shade of your teeth. It's always best to have a good chat with your dentist about the options, which can include tooth whitening, crowns or veneers.

iDent, Idyll Dental Clinic
To book an appointment with us:
Call us at: +912240147049/09321330133

Thursday 15 February 2018

An In-Depth Look at Chocolate

Chocolate is a sweet treat that starts with roasted and ground cacao seeds. It’s then mixed with other ingredients, such as cocoa butter, milk, and sugar, to get the tasty product that we see on store shelves worldwide. But chocolate isn’t a modern invention, and it might not always be around. This is an in-depth look at chocolate to learn more about its past, effects on our health today, and what the future holds for this delicacy.

Past: Humans and Their Love for Chocolate

Human’s chocolate obsession began long ago. Nearly 4,000 years ago, pre-Olmec tribes in Central America first harvested cacao seeds and began growing and farming cacao trees. These people used chocolate mainly as a drink ingredient, and instead of sweetening it, they mixed in chili powder and other strong spices.
More recently, the Aztecs and Mayans believed that chocolate was a god-ordained discovery and a divine gift to mankind. They used cacao seeds over the years to:
  • Heal: These early tribes used chocolate as a curative.
  • Get drunk: These groups quickly discovered that chocolate was great for mixing into fermented beverages.
  • Worship: The Olmecs used chocolate for religious purposes.
  • Trade: The Aztecs and Mayans used cacao seeds as currency.
  • Get in the mood: The Aztecs consumed chocolate both as an after-dinner treat and as an aphrodisiac.
Chocolate took its first step to being made how it’s enjoyed today when Europeans landed in the Americas. They sampled the native drinks and discovered that chocolate was more palatable for them when mixed with honey or sugar.

Present: How Chocolate Affects Our Health Today

Chocolate today is commonly used in food and drinks. However, it’s prepared much sweeter than how our ancestors mixed their chocolatey concoctions. Though there are a few health benefits associated with this sweet, it’s dangerous if overconsumed.

Health Benefits

Cocoa is a powerful antioxidant associated with lots of health benefits, such as protecting the nerves from injury and inflammation. Cocoa, before it’s mixed in with sugar and other problematic ingredients, is indeed very healthy and positively affects the immune system, cardiovascular system, and skin — topically applied, it can protect you from harmful UV rays.
Cocoa is also mood boosting. You’ll feel good after eating chocolate. However, it’s also an energy-dense food. This means that even before turning it into a candy, individuals who eat too much cocoa are at risk of gaining weight and experiencing the associated health issues.

Health Issues

Though chocolate is associated with some health benefits, it’s also got some risks. Candy bars with sweet or semisweet chocolate have a high sugar content, which is associated with problems like weight gain, heart disease, cavities and tooth decay, and diabetes. And even dark chocolate, which is a healthier option, contains a high amount of caffeine.
A moderate amount of caffeine is fine, but you usually get enough from your morning cup of coffee. If you indulge in dark chocolate (which has a higher content of cocoa solids), account for the sugar intake and the caffeine intake. Also try to avoid it within six hours of bedtime, as the caffeine can decrease your sleep quality and lead to a slew of other health complications.

Care for Your Teeth After Eating Chocolate

If you eat chocolate in moderation and follow normal teeth cleaning practices, you can avoid many of the detrimental oral effects associated with this dessert. If flossing isn’t part of your routine and you regularly eat chocolate, start flossing today. Use waxed floss if there’s not much space between your teeth, braided floss if you have some spacing, and unwaxed floss if you have normal spacing.
Another tip is to not brush your teeth immediately after eating chocolate. Instead, wait a minute — the chocolate has made your mouth acidic, so your teeth are particularly vulnerable. It’ll take about 30 minutes after eating chocolate for your mouth’s alkaline levels to reset. After that, you can brush your teeth without causing damage.
Finally, make sure you’re visiting your dentist routinely. Bi-annual visits have long been recommended, but if you’re a regular chocoholic, you should consider more appointments.

The Future: A World Without Chocolate?

Chocolate is so ubiquitous with human history, past and present, that it’s hard to imagine a world without this sweet. But it could happen — in fact, the world is presently running out of chocolate, with predictions of a shortage calculated as occurring as soon as 2020. Prices of chocolate are already rising and will continue to do so in the face of this shortage. Though prices for chocolate are still affordable in Canada and most parts of the world, this reality could change very soon.
Chocolate has an interesting history, and it plays a significant role — both good and bad — on human health today. If you enjoy this delicious treat, aim to snack in moderation and visit your dentist regularly

iDent, Idyll Dental Clinic
To book an appointment with us:
Call us at: +912240147049/09321330133

Thursday 25 January 2018

Happy Republic Day!

Warm Wishes & Regards,