Saturday 28 January 2023

What do you know about Dental Abscess?


What do you know about Dental Abscess?

A dental abscess, or tooth abscess, is a buildup of pus that forms inside the teeth or gums.

The abscess typically comes from a bacterial infection, often one that has accumulated in the soft pulp of the tooth.

There are three types of dental abscess:

Gingival abscess: The abscess is only in the gum tissue and does not affect the tooth or the periodontal ligament.

Periodontal abscess: This abscess starts in the supporting bone tissue structures of the teeth.

Periapical abscess: this abscess commences in the soft pulp of the tooth.

Signs and symptoms of a dental abscess include:

·         The main symptom of a dental abscess is pain. This may be a throbbing pain and is often intense. The pain usually starts suddenly and becomes more intense over the following hours or days. In some cases, the pain may radiate to the ear, jawbone, and neck.

·         pain in the affected area when biting or when touching the affected area

·         draining  fistula and ulcer on the site

·         sensitivity to cold or hot food and liquids

·         a foul taste in the mouth

·         fever

·         a generally unwell feeling

·         difficulties opening the mouth

·         swallowing difficulties


Any person with symptoms linked to a dental abscess should see a dentist immediately. Dental abscesses are easily diagnosed by a qualified dentist.

People who have swallowing and breathing problems should go straight to the emergency department of their local hospital.

If you cannot get to a dentist immediately, visit a family doctor.

A doctor cannot treat an abscess, but they may prescribe medication and advise on self-care and pain management and are also likely to know the fastest way of getting emergency treatment if required.


Incision: The abscess needs to be cut out and the pus, which contains bacteria, drained away. The doctor will administer a local anesthetic.


Treating a periapical abscess: Root canal treatment will be used to remove the abscess. A drill is used to bore a hole into the dead tooth so that the pus can come out. Any damaged tissue will be removed from the pulp. A root filling is then inserted into the space to prevent subsequent infections.


Treating a periodontal abscess: The abscess will be drained and the periodontal pocket cleaned. The surfaces of the root of the tooth will then be smoothed out by scaling and planning below the gum line. This helps the tooth heal and prevents further infections from occurring.


People with a periapical abscess and a recurring infection may need to have diseased tissue surgically removed. This will be done by an oral surgeon.

Those with a periodontal abscess and a recurring infection may have to have their gum tissue reshaped and the periodontal pocket removed. This procedure will be performed by an oral surgeon.

If a dental abscess comes back, even after surgery, the tooth may be taken out.


Pain management

Over the counter (OTC) painkillers may help reduce the pain while an individual is waiting for treatment. It is important to follow the information on the packet carefully. Painkillers are only there for pain reduction and cannot replace a visit to a dentist.

Aspirin, ibuprofen or Tylenol (paracetamol) are effective painkillers. However, some are unsuitable for certain types of patients.


Antibiotics may be prescribed to prevent the infection from spreading and may be taken together with painkillers. Examples of antibiotics include amoxicillin or metronidazole. In no way should antibiotics be seen as a way of substituting treatment with a dentist, or postponing treatment.

To know more, visit us. 

iDent, Idyll Dental Clinic

To book an appointment with us:

Call us at: +912240147049/09321330133



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